Change Log
26 (07/09/2019)
Custom wizard changes for create claim
committing the changes for OCCD-1559
OCCD-1666 : Pointing to new version and Resolved sort icon issue
OCCD-1761 : Resolved issue of work request modal popup
OCCD-1760 : Changes in address update alert popup
OCCD-1696 changes for commencement date
committing the changes for OCCD-1649
OCCD-1760 : Address changes UI updates
Fixes for OCCD-1707
Functionlaites to show not available value for avrerage call handle time and call board OCCD -1707
OCCD-1652 : Updates for work type dropdown
OCCD-1652 : Work request dropdown issue and adderss update alert changes
Changes OCCd-1534
Fixes for OCCD-1534
Updated URLs to use AWS instead of IBM Cloud
committing the changes for OCCD-1749
OCCD-1746 : Resolved address updates error
Fixes for OCCD-1534
committing for the changes for OCCD-1741 and OCCD-1745
OCCD-1746 : Resolved address change error
changes for OCCD-1529
committing the changes for OCCD-1332
Functionalites to enable or disable create button based on filling the required fields in workrequest model OCCD-1637
OCCD-1732 : Updates for address change
OCCD-1516 changes for the iul fund view
Changes for OCCD-1529
Changes for Annuitant role
Removed debug version of framework
Pointing to latest branch of framework
Reverting changes of package.json
Updates for package.json
Update package.json
Update package.json
Update package.json
Update package.json
Update package.json
Update package.json
CSS changes for rider Widget
changes for suspense
Minor changes for Suspense code
Fixes for OCCD-1468
committing for OCCD-1637
Chnages for OCCD-1468
Suspense tab changes
Fixes for OCCD-1382
occd-1582(Suspense tab)
OCCD-1632 : Updates for address change.
OCCD-1632 : Resolved add address issue
OCCD-1632 : Changes to update work items on address change
Fixes for OCCD-1579
Fixes for OCCD-1645
OCCD-1627 changes for the cash surrender value label
Poniting to version 3.92.0
OCCD-1435 fixed for the loan effective date
Updates for package.json to resolve build error
Resolved issue for build failure
OCCD-1635 : Functionalities to check validations at UI end
Resolved conflicts
OCCD-1635 : Changes for postal code of address update
changes for draft day OCCD-1579
Functionalites to show role details for annutity OCCD-1529
Sorting functionality in table
OCCD-1135 : Changes for address update
Resloved SAVE and CLOSE button is not activated with Other Role authorization
OCCD 1153: Added growl messages and css to removed caption from table
CSS updates for address changes
OCCD-1135 : Cde for Address update part 1
Pointing to latest version of frame work
OCCD-1618 changes for the banner Alert.
OCCD-1586 loan message chanegs
Update partySearchFactory.ts
Fixes for OCCD-1610
committing the changes for OCCD-1585
committing the changes for OCCD-1594
OCCD-1577 knowledge center issue
OCCD-1460 changes
Resloved OCCD-1589
OCCD-1449 changes
OCCD-1553: Changes performed to keep loan effective date as AART date by default.
OCCD-1578: Changes performed to remove loan quote button.
OCCD-1415 changes
OCCD-1415 changes
OCCD-1415 fund value changes and loan message changes
OCCD-1595 recipient info name change
resloved OCCD-1472
Resloved OCCD-1541, OCCD-1581,OCCD-1580, OCCD-1582
commenting the sorting changes until new branch is stable
Update common.service.ts
OCCD-1435 policy quote values changes
Revert "OCCD-1435 policy quote values changes"
This reverts commit 14e613bf9f9988dceed2007cd6b91e4e5166e058.
OCCD-1435 policy quote values changes
OCCD-1532 : Increased auto fade out time of growl messages
Changes for occd-1468,1382
OCCD-1541 DEV- CSS Issues in Edit Billing Details modal
OCCD-1515 changes for funds
Resolved OCCD-1462 & OCCD-1532
Update partySearchFactory.ts
Fixes for OCCD-1540
Functionalites to create update and delete Phone Number OCCD-1193
Code update for address change
Resolved OCCD-1520 and OCCD-1386
OCCD-1508 CSS - As User I want to be able to add and update party phone number
OCCD-1509 CSS - As a Business User I want to be able to add and update party email address 8hrs
header changes
Functionalites for email update and Communication preferences
Reverting temporary changes to test cache
Temparory changes to test build cache
CSS changes for production build
OCCD-1060 pagination changes
Changes for production build configuration
Fixes For OCCD-1540,OCCD-1541,OCCD-1542
Fixes for OCCD-1472 and OCCD-1537
Resolved OCCD-1528 & 1522 for banner alerts
OCCD-1060 knowledge center changes
OCCD-1514 & 1523
Functionalites for Billing change EFT to Individual OCCD-1280
OCCD-1434 SIT - Claims Primary Insured? Button fills fields but leaves them yellow
OCCD-1434 SIT - Claims Primary Insured? Button fills fields but leaves them yellow
removing extra header for occd-1467
OCCD-1516 : Updates for IUL funds information
OCCD-1520 : Resolved issues of work item creation
OCCD-1409 : Created functionalities to expand and collapse widget on authorization
OCCD-1437 : Added new email filed is create work item modal
fixing issue with OCCD-1438
OCCD-1508 CSS - As User I want to be able to add and update party phone number
OCCD-1509 CSS - As a Business User I want to be able to add and update party email address
committed for OCCD-1427
Functionalites to add email id
OCCD-1184 : Updates for banner alert.
OCCD-1184 : Updates for banner alert
Functionalites to show party information OCCD-1189
OCCD-1184 : Policy Banner alerts based on a policy's activity or specific condition.
OCCD 1095 & 1409 : Applied CSS for workitems filter
OCCD-1184 : Component and interceptor for banner alert.
OCCD-1395 and 1307 : To filter worktype.
committing the changes for OCCD-1475
Fixes for policy page is showing records for other policies
en file update
OCCD-1102 : Changes label and format of total units
OCCD-1434 SIT - Claims Primary Insured? Button fills fields but leaves them yellow
Fixes for OCCD-1472, OCCD-1466 and OCCD-1471
OCCD-1102 : To View the Funds Information on an Annuity Product
OCCD-1436 DEV- Incorrect Format of Work Request Modal fields
OCCD-1481 Create Work Request PopUp not rendering properly when have 3 fields.
OCCD-1366 SIT: Colons missing from Policy Details Widget
OCCD-1433 : Changed correspondence url for all environments
OCCD-1397: Work Request Details Pop Up - Rename Status Label to Process Step
OCCD-1436 : Incorrect Format of Work Request Modal fields
OCCD-1439 : Added properties for Request Forms field in Forms Request Work Request Modal.
OCCD-1436 : Resolved incorrect Format of Work Request Modal fields
Revert "Occd-1338,1149"
Reverting pacakage.json changes
Occd-1338 and Occd-1149
Changed pilot Logout URL and fixes for OCCD-1452
OCCD-1336 - search bar autocomplete disable
OCCD-1433 : Resolved console error
OCCD-1278 & OCCD-1433 : Implemented functionalities to download source document
OCCD-872 Historical COI Tab under Financial History widget NOT showing all records.
Pointing to 3.86.0
Clearing the resources
Fixes for reloading the login page
Update loanHistoryTable.component.html
Functionalites to show Quote policy values by date for Annuities OCCD-1132
OCCD-1391 and OCCD-1430 changes
OCCD-1386 DEV- Hover Over Message are NOT getting displayed in Save & Close button in Close Call widget.
OCCD-1344 Task to disable the create button to create the AWD work request if the caller in not authorized.
OCCD-1419 DEV- CSS Issues in Funds sub-widget for a restricted policy where values are suppressed.
OCCD-1381 DEV- CSS Issues in Suspense sub-widget of CSR Portal Desktop.
Enabling the DOB field in death claim wizard
OCCD-1416: Changes performed to show Requested detail section of close call widget as consistent when checkbox checked.
OCCD-1415: Changes performed to show Total Value field values as comma seperated after 3 digits.
OCCD-1125 && OCCD-1121 : correspondance dynamic url
changes for effective date sorting
client id and client secreat changes for pilot
Functionalites for sorting effective date in Loan tab OCCD-1387 and Fixes for OCCD-1420
OCCD-1121 : to launch and view a correspondence document
header changes for close call Api
OCCD-1388: Changes performed to populate Loan Transaction History in seperate-2 rows for Interest Rate, Capitalization, Initiation as per Approved Mockup.
Functionalites to add incontact_user and awd Id as header for start call and close call OCCD-1418
Functionalites to show "This Policy does not have any riders " messeage in the riders tab.
Fixes for OCCD-1410
OCCD-1388: Populated Loan value information under close call widget properly.
changed Coverage type to coverage name
OCCD-1369 DEV- CSS issue in values/Loans/Funds sub-widget for a restricted IUL policy where values are suppressed
OCCD-1381 DEV- CSS Issues in Suspense sub-widget of CSR Portal Desktop
Changed create work item payload callStartStr to callStart
Fixes for OCCD-1403 And Changed creatework item pay load property transactionType to type
OCCD-1125: Correspondence on a policy
OCCD-606 Population revelvoining error
OCCD-1390 DEV- UI Issues in Loan sub-widget
OCCD-1366 SIT: Colons missing from Policy Details Widget
Fixes for OCCD-1370,OCCD-1390,OCCD-1395,OCCD-1406
Fixes for OCCD-1394 and OCCD-873
OCCD 1263: Resolved issues of source upload and load details
ocd-1370 change for loan message
OCCD-1370 changes
OCCD-1261 & OCCD-429 : Updates for death claim and work items additional fields
OCCD-1343 : Updates for currency formate
occd-1082 changes
Adding material table module in shared module
OCCD-1078 : Adding loan and fund component in shared module.
OCCD 1344 & OCCD-1078 : Updates for work items modal and loan history
OCCD-1097 fund Ui changes
Functionalites for Revolving error OCCD-605 and fixes for OCCD-1326
OCCD-608 Task to develop CSS to populate suspense history.
OCCD-1078 : Updates of work items and loan data
Adding remote_user in awd API's
OCCD-1338 Sorting issues in Work Request History widget
Functionalites for suspence history
OCCD-1338 Sorting issues in Work Request History widget.
Updates for work request modal
Updates for work request modal
OCCD-1078 : Updates for loan data and work request item
Fixes for OCCD-1261
Functionalites to pass headers based on alias OCCD-1150
OCCD-1263 : Adding missing field
OCCD-1341 Issues in 1st section of Work Request Details pop-up.
OCCD-1078 : UI development to show loan information
Changes pushed, on behalf of anlil
OCCD-1264 UI issues in Work Request Details Pop-up.
OCCD-1331 Scroll Bar should be removed from work request - address change modal.
OCCD-992 Karen's Defect WIDGET > POLICY DETAILS > Details tab > Edit modal - API
Fixes For OCCD-1355
Changed bill _option_des to bill_option
Fixes for OCCD-1313
OCCD-1311 : Removed fields not related to annuity product.
Fixes for OCCD-1260
Fixes for OCCD-1318
Changes for OCCD-1275
Miner changes for OCCD-1313
Fixes for OCCD-1313
Fixes for OCCD-1293
Adders haeaders for work request history
functionalities to show message in values tab OCCD-1275
OOCD-607 changes for the suspense history UI.
OCCD-992 - Showing currency icons using suffix
Functionalities For OCCD-938
OCCD-1146 Financial History Widget - Sorting Carat not present
OCCD-1200 SIT - Outgoing Money Widget missing "Carats" for sorting
Fixes For 1286
OCCD-1269 Develop CSS - To be able to view a Policy's Call History Details
OCCD-1264 : Resolved issues of work request details popup.
OCCD 1237 & 1238
Added spouse date of death field OCCD-1271
Resolved notes no records message
OCCD-1030 remove back arrow from search results.
OCCD-1247 CSS issues observed due to upgradation of framework
OCCD-1243 Bugs finding by Karen - Wave 2 10/11
OCCD-1245 Bugs finding by Karen - Wave 2 11/11
Functionalites to add $ symbol in requested detailes section OCCD-1232
occd-1157(call history details)
OCCD-1240 Bugs finding by Karen - Wave 2 8/11
OCCD-1247 CSS issues observed due to upgradation of framework
OCCD-1241 Bugs finding by Karen - Wave 2 9/11
Fixes for 1242
Fixes for OCCD-1235
Removing header
Resolved OCCD-1228 && OCCD-1177
OCCD-1239 Bugs finding by Karen - Wave 2 7/11 CSS
OCCD-1240 Bugs finding by Karen - Wave 2 8/11
OCCD-1247 CSS issues observed due to upgradation of framework
OCCD-1231 Bugs finding by Karen - Wave 2 2/11
OCCD-1234 Bugs finding by Karen - Wave 2 4/11
OCCD-1233 Bugs finding by Karen - Wave 2 3/11
OCCD-1236 Bugs finding by Karen - Wave 2 5/11
Fixes for OCCD-1253
OCCD-1234 Bugs finding by Karen - Wave 2 4/11
Functionalites For related parties OCCD-1113
OCCD-1230 Bugs finding by Karen - Wave 2 1/11
Miner Changes for OCCD-1182
Fixes for OCCD-1182
OCCD-1119 Develop UI - to be able to Quote policy values by date
Fixes For OCCD-1181
Updated for filter icon
Resolved modal popup scroll issue
OCCD-1053 CSS issues due to upgradation of framework
Resolved upload component issue
Resolved tooltip and second search highlight issues.
Functionality to show and hide the billing fields based on billing method OCCD-1178
Fixes for OCCD-1086
Updated AWD Types URL
Updated AWD Types URL
Updated Close icon
CSS updated for tabs
OCCD-1053 CSS issues due to upgradation of framework
OCCD-998 Karen's Defect Death Claim -CSS
Added end time in comments of work request history
Label changed for work request history
Changes for surrender charge
occd-1072 changes
Adding $ symbol to policy quote values
Adding npmrc config file
Fixes For OCCD-1131
Functionalites for quote values on selection of date OCCD-308
OCCD-998 : Karen's Defect Death Claim -CSS
Resolved search operation issue
Occd-978 Fix
OCCD-1047 : Resolved error of second search
Fixes For OCCD-1054
occd-748(removing role header)
OCCD-1054 : Resolving errors of angular7 upgradation.
OCCD-1053 CSS issues due to upgradation of framework
occd-978 & disabling home button after call authorization
Update host-url.ts
OCCD-988 Karen's Defect WIDGET > WORK REQUEST > Address Change Modal - CSS
OCCD-1036 Create Death Claim CSS Issues
Revert incoorect URL
Resolved conflicts
Updating host url for logout
Resolved conflict
OCCD-1037: Resolved logout error
OCCD-565: changes in user profile API
OCCD-988 Karen's Defect WIDGET > WORK REQUEST > Address Change Modal - CSS
OCCD 565 changes for the AWD and incontact API
Occd-1009(label in Camelcase)
Miner Changes For OCCD-938
Functionalites For OCCD-938
OCCD-987 : Changed Zip Label to Postal Code and added enable enter key in search
occd-871(Policy Alert Widget Visibility)
Angular7 Upgrade
Fixes for OCCD-506,OCCD-1023 and OCCD-997
OCCD-984 Karen's Defect HOME PAGE - CSS Defects
Updates for removing edit icons
config File changes
configuring Headers from config file
Updated authentication url for pre-release
Updated authentication url for pre-release
Commit on behalf of Karthik
Commit on behalf of Karthik
changes on behlf of karthik
updating the correct host url for awd
Updated appconf url for pilot
Updated appconf url for pilot
Work Request Changes
Authentication ClientID and secret changes
Configured clientSecret and clientId for pilot region
Autherization URL Changes
Updated pilot urls
Updated pilot urls
Removed class Name
Updated rowOn
removed Class
OCCD-1004 proved CSS development as per Mockup
Fixes for disabling save and close button OCCD-978
OCCD-1013 "Customer Service Portal- Policy" header is getting hidden when create death claim pop up is displayed.
Build Failure Fixes
Miner change for OCCD-506
Removed Prefix zero for Ammout Fields
selected the checkbox in sub-widgets and save the information in call notes OCCD-506
OCCD-941 CSS Issues in Sub widgets of Financial History Widget after point to latest master branch of Framework
OCCD-976 : To pass company code and region code in worktypes API
OC-6149: Fixed upload component issue.
Filter Visibility Fixes and custom wizard error msg alert
OCCD-916 issues due to framework changes - CSS
OCCD-983 Karen's Defect HOME PAGE - UI Bugs
OCCD-998 Karen's Defect Death Claim -CSS
Metamodel Changes For Raider Tab OCCD-924
OCCD-988 Karen's Defect WIDGET > WORK REQUEST > Address Change Modal - CSS
Functionalites for dynamically configuring Claims and Payments URL
Payment history filter visibility OCCD- 995
Previous Build Failure Fixes
Functionalites for dynamically configuring Claims URL and Karen's Defect Death Claim OCCD-997
Configuration for sit and pilot
Updates in configuration headers.
Pointing to master of previous sprint commit and configuring mycall history Url from config file
OCCD-998 Karen's Defect Death Claim -CSS
OCCD-994 Karen's Defect - WIDGET > POLICY DETAILS > Notes tab
OCCD-993 Karen's Defect WIDGET > POLICY DETAILS > Funds tab > Edit modal
OCCD-990 Karen's Defect WIDGET > POLICY DETAILS > Details tab
OCCD-984 Karen's Defect HOME PAGE - CSS Defects
OCCD-986 Karen's Defect Widgets (Customer Identity and Close all) - CSS
Url Changes For Instences,work items schema and types
Resolved OCCD-980 and OCCD-942
Removed My Call History URL
Cahnges For Authorize Url
Fixes for Higligting serch results and confirmation checkbox changes due to framwork
Miner Changes for OCCD-777
Functionalities For Required fields in Detah claim and baground color OCCD-777
Resolved issues of latest framework changes
Minor changes in package.json
OCCD-915 : Resolved UI issues due to framework changes
Subsequent filter functionality for Payment history and outgoing mony OCCD-927
Reverted the default Host Url
Header Changes
Functionalites to show and hide the filter OCCD-780
OCCD-908 Issue 3: Filter icon getting strike out upon selecting performing filter operation
Filter icon alignment changes occd-909
Fixes for OCCD-909,910
OCCD-837 Task to provide CSS development for Historical COI filter as per design
OCCD-837 Task to provide CSS development for Historical COI filter as per design
Search API changes
OCCD-874: Minor changes for title
OCCD-874 : Removed home and policy tab and funtionalities to show dynamic page title
Removed next button in death claim popup and added 'csrName' in the authorization api request payload.
OCCD-271 As a Business User I want to be able to register the report of a death claim for a party/policy
Resolved save and close issues
Minor changes in package.json
Reverting packaging changes
Functionalites For Phone number Format
Fix packaging issue of application
Functionalites For to Create Death Claim
Minor changes for Custom Wizard
Functionalites for Custom wizard component
Resolvec OCCD-862
OCCD-837 Task to provide CSS development for Historical COI filter as per design
Changed Idle expire time to six hours
Resolved console error and warnings
OCCD-722 Develop CSS as per BRD for viewing the Sources in Work Item details PopUp
Resolved OCCD 771 for automatically expand and collapse widgets
Update authentication.service.ts
Revest back session expire changes
OCC-268 - Implementation of draft date in UI
Package.json changes
Resolved build issues
Resolved OCCD-771
changes for death Claim
Changes for OCCD-593 : Integration of drools API's
OC-792 Changes for session expire
Functionalities for Custom Filter in Fincial History section OCCD-246
Added Functionalities to Show warning message for the Corporate Owner
Fixes For OCCD-686
OCCD-792 : Functionalities to logout automatically after 60 min
Fixes For OCCD-835 and OCCD-818
Resolved OCCD-820 and OCCD-823 and code for session timeout.
changes for notes
Minor changes for notes
Minor Changes For Notes
insured name before owner ssn(occd-686)
Resolved issues for fax formating and changes in UI of Login page
Added Functionality for show alert messeage if notes are aviliable OCCD-685
Fixed OCCD-743 and minor changes for create work items
Changes in work request details modal
Pointed to the Master
Resolved OCCD-743 for tin number search and revert changes of login and outgoing money
functionality for phone number copied to notes field
Added functionality for Disabiling the continue button and fixed required field issues
Changes for Authrize sucess on other Role
Resetting the Headers and minor changes for other Role
Fixs for OCCD-785
Minor changes
Fixes For OCCD-785 and add functionality to disable Save and Close Button
Fixes For OCCD-785 and add functionality to disable Save and Close Button
Chnages for work request details and login component
OCCD-779 Apply CSS to Mock up for Authorization success
minor changes for close call notes
Changes for disable the continue button
Pointing to Development region
Fixes for OCCD-749 , OCCD-246 and OCCD-777
Changes for Create Death Claim Metamodels
OCCD 323 : Minor Fixes
Changes for rquist deatils OCCD-195
Fixed issues of OCCD-323
Payment tab(Claims/Payments)
OCCD-201 for policy call history and tabs for finanacial history
OCCD 716 and OCCD 718 and changed href for search.
OCCD-739 Task to provide CSS development to view Requested details as per UI design.
Added functionality for otherRole name field on selection of Role as Other
Minor Changes
OCCD-249 & 343 for outgoing money
OCCD-739 Task to provide CSS development to view Requested details as per UI design.
Minor changes for closeCall section
OCCD-694 Task to provide CSS Support to align search warning and reduce extra space
Minor changes
Resolved OCCD-716 and changed API's for AWD workitems and user call hist
Minor changes for configuration of the authorize_url
Added Other Role Button and functionality OCCD-710
Revert "Changes for custom Identity Section"
This reverts commit caed5190286df6ecdb9d5fdb7d94b22ad6baa14f.
Changes for custom menu
Minor changes
Resolving OCCD713 and highlight refined search results
Changes for custom Identity Section
OCCD-715 Part of Owner Address is crossing over into border separation
Updated Claims status aligning in the middle
OCCD-714 - Changed labels from Policies to Policy
Pointing to old commit of framework to resolve policy details issue and minor required changes
Minor changes for titles
Work request table
Adding headers(hal+json) for instances
Minor changes for customer Identity section
Changes for resolving CSS issue of dropdowns.
bug fixes for custom identity and close call section
Resolved search bar issue.
Removed invalid search column
Changes in login, search message, claims payment, policy details as per new requirements
Solving loggin issue
OCCD-687 Task to provide CSS Support for work-items modal popup.
OCCD-687 Task to provide CSS Support for work-items modal popup.
Changes in authentication services for login as per the changes in app config API's
Changes for wildcard search and AWD workitems api.
OCCD-208 and OCCD-666(Assigned Work)
Loing page img change
OCCD-240 notes metamodel
Minor changes for death calaim metamodel
Changes for custom identity and death claim metamodels
Minor changes for death claim metamodels
Search results warning message
Metamodel changes for Death claim and functionality for user call notes interaction
WrokItems changes
AWD workitems changes
Changes for Create Death claim metamodels
Metamodels for deathClaims OCCD-271
Changes package.json
Resolving conflicts
Resolving conflicts
Changed 20 items per page in search results and workitems url.
OCCD-624 Task to provide CSS development report of a death claim for a party/policy as per design
Removed action icon on search and enabled row click
Functionalities to highlight searched text in search result and changed schema
Metamodels for death claim party/policy
Changes for OCCD-214
OCCD-532 OCCD-538
OCCD-531 and OCCD-537 changes
removed width
Changed url of search result to dev gateway url
Added table header and back button in search screen
Removing conflicts
Removed schema and getting query params by custom code
Metamodels and confiugrations for search screen
Changes for My call history and Billing Tab
Metamodels for My Call History Section
OCCD-510 bug Fix
Changed metamodel for CallBoard and Average handle Time
Minor Fixes and changes for section titles and metamodel name
Metamodel Changes for CallBoard
Minor changes to partyRoles and policy details Tab
Minor updates
Updates of AWD workitems.
Funtionalities to show list of AWD workitems and open modal popup on click of it.
OCCD-459 Task to provide CSS development to view Average Call Handle Time as per UI design
OCCD-461 Task to provide CSS development to view call board as per UI design
OCCD-455 Task to provide CSS development to display all the parties associated with a policy as per UI design
MetaModels for CallBoard and Average Call Handle Time
Changes for Billing tab
suspend_code Updated with red color
Edit Rider Details popup and Policy details tab Done
Updated CSS
Updated CSS for matcard
Metamodel changes in close call section
Revert "Bug fixed in the policy dashboard"
This reverts commit 784b5323e5cd80906725135744de20e71db3b1e9.
Revert "Bug fixed in the policy dashboad"
This reverts commit 784b5323e5cd80906725135744de20e71db3b1e9.
Bug fixed in the policy dashboad
Default Host URL changed to dev.gatweway.api
Metamodel for story OCCD-458 and Work Request section
Updated CSS
File names changed accordating to the functionality
Minor updates in metamodels path refrence.
Moving metamodels to related folder for updating folder structure.
Added classes to show arrow in left and chnages titles of sections
Updated CheckBox Class
arrow padding changed
Updated checkbox css
Metamodel changes for transaction section
Updated CloseCall.Json
Minor metamodel changes for polcicy screen
Metamodel changes for policy details section
Updated topNav
CSS created to CheckBox
Implementation of checkboxes, lables, values in policy details
policyDetails panels are updated
Metamodels for home and polcies tabs and three columns layout of homepage
Policy details section tabs metamodels and custom component for edit icon with action list
Policy Details metamodels are updated based on UX
Creating dashboard to be a landing page
Updated Panel Headers
Added metamodels for three column layout of policy screen
Changes in CSS from Anil for fixing ui issue
Changes in appConfig for login URL.
Resolved defects OCCD-173 and OCCD-174
changes for individual coverage details and minor changes in party profile information
Resolving defects for search
Resolving defacts OCCD- 166 and 175
Fields Added for coverage Details
Updated icons in coverageList
changes for party roles and party info meta models
Updates to see role name and role details
miner changer for party profile
Added metamodels for bank accounts and coverage details
Updated i18 file
Metamodels for Policy History and miner changes for party profile
Polcy Details page Done
updated Coverage List
changes for OCCD-169,167,164
Added left and right sections for policy summary screen and changed coverges table to collection
Policy Summary Page updated
Search Screen Updated
Updated Search Screen
Updated Policy Summay Screen
updated Polciy summary screen
Updated Policy summary Screen
Metamodel for policy values
Policy Detials Screen
changes for address update and Changed Fundinfo collection to table
Pointing to master and changed coverage collections to table
Minor chnages in login compoment for header
Metamodel changes for BillInfo
Fix login issue and refresh issue of application
metamodels for Address Update, Changes for Coverage FundInfo and PaertyRoles as per design
Updated fields for policy summary as per new design
Minor updates to show all policy details on single page
updates for home button functionalities
Metamodel for fund information
Updates for authentication services
Policy summary style changes
changed table to collection for coverage and partyroles Metamodels
Updates for authorization services for iplanetDirectorypro
Updated Profile page
Updated As Per Raja Review
Metamodels for Billing Info and partyRoles
Updated Icons
Added metamodel to show additional party information
OCCD-48 Task to provide CSS Support to render view portfolio information of a party as per UI design
By passed login and minor changes in metamodel
Removed spinner tempararily
Functinalities for logout and host url changes
Added OC Icons
Added metamodel to show all policy details
Header Menu
OCCD-46 As a CSS developer I should be able to provide CSS Support for search screen as per design
Add spinner component and resolved issue.
Functionalities to show header only on succesfull authentication
OCCD-46 As a CSS developer I should be able to provide CSS Support for search screen as per design
Updates for showing custom header, oc-infra updated code and minor changes for ui.
Fix error of package.json
OCCD-46 As a CSS developer I should be able to provide CSS Support for search screen as per design
Changes for showing default header.
Custom header component and minor changes.
Individual and corporate search methods
Metamodle for policy summary page.
crated Theme SCSS
Minox fix for build failure
OCCD-45 As a CSS developer I should be able to provide CSS Support for Login/logout Screen as per design
Render table on portfolio and navigate to policy details page
Pointing to material and metamodels for portfolio and party details.
Metamodels and factory for search screen.
Code for login screen and authentication services.
Initial setup for Omnichannel CSR UI